Welcome to Los Ombues, the finest bird hunting lodge in Argentina

Since 1988 we have been hosting hunters in Argentina and in 1992 we were lucky to find what is probably the premier hunting birds spot in our country. The area is located at 250 miles northwest from the city of Buenos Aires in the Entre Ríos Province. The terrain consists of rolling hills with extensive pastures and agricultural land next to one of the largest marsh areas in Argentina.

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Lodge Bird Hunting in Argentina - Los Ombues Lodge

Bird Hunting

Ducks Hunting

At Los Ombues hunting lodge  you find a variety of ducks that are very different than those found in the Northern hemisphere, including the White chek pintail, Silver Teal, Ringed Teal, Red Shoveler, Cinnamon Teal, Southern Widgeon, Brazilian Duck, Speckled Teal, Tree ducks and the sporty Rosy Billed Pochard. Duck shooting is done in blinds over decoys with the assistance of pick-up boys who will call and pick-up the birds.

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Doves Hunting

Season: Year round.
There is no season or limit for dove hunting in Argentina. As doves are considered a serious threat for crops, local farmers welcome hunters. Shooting is excellent all year round. Each day affords six to seven hours of good, steady shooting.

Read more about dove hunting in Argentina

Partridge Hunting

The partridge or perdiz hunting is done as a supplement to duck and dove shooting in May, June, July and August. This fast flushing bird is hunted over fine pointing dogs on rolling hills in the beautiful countryside. The perdiz is similar to the quail, though this bird is larger and is found in singles and sometimes in pairs, instead of covies. Every year before the season start a dog trainer comes from Texas to tune up our dogs.

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Hunting Packages

Our mixed bag shooting takes place in the province of Entre Rios in a vast area of private ranches located 250 miles northwest of Buenos Aires (South America). Los Ombues is the only hunting lodge in the country where you can shoot ducks, perdiz and high volume doves in the same area without leaving the lodge.

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The lodge

Argentina Hunting Lodge

Since 1988 we have been hosting hunters in Argentina and in 1992 we were lucky to find what is probably the premier hunting spot in our country. The area is located at 250 miles northwest from the city of Buenos Aires in the Entre Ríos Province.

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Great hunting experience. Staff was awesome took very good care of us from great food to excellent rooms very clean and well kept no shortage of birds flying if you like to shoot a shotgun as I do this is the place to go loved every minute I was there

James Anderson

It just keeps getting better and better.

Craig Stadler

My son Michael and I thank you for the hunting trip of our lives. We will return to see if our golf lessons are as good as your shooting lessons. All my best.

Tom Watson

Carlos, what an experience! Fabulous food, great hospitality, great hosts and the best shooting in the world! I only hope my shoulder can recover before I return and do it again. Thanks for being so nice to my friends and my sons. My best always for good shooting and golfing.

Jack Nicklaus

I first shot this spot with Carlos Sanchez before the lodge was built. I have hunted the lodge 7 times since. Each time it gets better. I’ve hunted all over Mexico, Columbia and Uruguay and Los Ombues is by far the best and most professional location I’ve ever found. This includes the hunting, the food, the lodging and the personnel. You can’t go wrong selecting Los Ombues.


I have just returned home from my 10th visit to Los Ombues. The hospitality of the Sanchez brothers and lodge manager Augie Bustos is second to none. Likewise the food and accommodations. The shooting is always great and very close to the lodge. This year however there is another great reason to visit. Copa Airlines has begun service to Rosario, Argentina from Panama City. By flying into Rosario we were able to avoid the four hour headache of clearing immigration, RENAR (gun control) and customs in Buenos Aires. With Juan-Pablo Sanchez there, our group of five with guns was out of the airport in less than half an hour. Plus, the drive to the lodge is now a little over an hour instead of four to five hours from BA.

Fred Lappe

We had a fantastic time and will return! The birds were plentiful, drive short, hosts were attentive.

Justin Wright

Great hunting experience. Staff was awesome took very good care of us from great food to excellent rooms very clean and well kept no shortage of birds flying if you like to shoot a shotgun as I do this is the place to go loved every minute I was there

James Anderson

I have hunted in Argentina six times. I did try a different lodge on my 4th trip and quickly realized Los Ombues was the best. I have visited Los Ombues five times now and it gets better each time. The food, service, birds, staff, location, quality of guns, all combine into an experience that is indescribable. Each trip we have new hunters with us and it is amazing to witness their reaction. If you are wanting a first class experience, you won’t go wrong selecting Los Ombues!

Lonnie Ashley

Excellent shooting and meals with superb accomodations

Ken Burns

I’ve been going on South American bird hunts for the past 8 years, usually twice each year – nothing compares to Los Ombues Lodge. The staff is outstanding and cannot be more accommodating. You’ll will see more doves here in one day than at any other place and you will not be driving around for 30 minutes to over an hour each way to get to a hunt and then return to the lodge. Their equipment is all maintained perfectly. They have everything you need. The rooms are very nice and thoroughly cleaned several times each day. The food was great. You will also be very happy with the way they clean and maintain their firearms after every morning shoot and again after the evening shoot.

Lorin Spak

I have just returned from Los Ombues lodge in Argentina for the mix bag hunt. This being my 18 consecutive year at Los Ombues, the shooting,accommodations and hospitality provided by Carlos Sanchez and his brother, Juan Pablo was as always extraordinary. What sets this lodge apart from others for me and my family is that the marsh and fields are within 30 minutes or less from lodge. Except for the time out for the big spread at lunch and dinner you are always hunting. I look forward to my return trip.

Tom Basmajian

Just returned from my 7th trip to Los Ombues for their mixed bag hunt and the Los Ombues team continues to excel in all respects! This is largely attributable to a team led by Carlos and Juan Pablo and Augie that provides continuity Balanced with their commitment to continuous improvement. The duck hunting is carefully managed including strict adherance to legal bag limits; this results in consistent high quality hunting. The bird boys/guides are outstanding at spotting and calling and retrieving downed birds . The perdix hunting is very strong, with well-trained pointers and great convenience of hunting locations close to the lodge. While the dove hunting during true winter apparently doesn’t rival the numbers during summer, my experience has been that it is hard to imagine the quality could be much better than we experienced. The lodge is extraordinarily well located on a hillside overlooking the marsh – frankly the view is worth the trip! The food is top notch and their new chef has added an even higher level of quality. I brought 2 neophyte bird hunters and they were truly spoiled and have become passionate bird hunters based on this experience. I’m already planning a return trip next year – 8 will be great!

Don Young

I have been going to Los Ombues since 1998 and I recently took my family back for a graduation shoot. I can not express enough how wonderful the Los Ombues Team is. From international and local travel arrangements, to coordinating local sight seeing, to some of the finest shooting in Argentina this is a “First Class” operation. Carlos, Juan Pablo, Maria and their staff create an environment where you can really relax and enjoy you time with your family and guests. Beautiful lodge, great people, good friends.

Michael Guerriero

I don’t have any photos to post because I was too busy shooting birds to take pictures. If you have torn up the internet looking for THE Argentina hunting destination, then congratulations…”Your Search is Over”! The volume of shooting, firearms, lodging, especially food, wine, gear, and hospitality are top notch at Los Ombues. You can walk to all of the hunting locations from the lodge. Make sure you shoot the ducks even if you’re not a duck hunter…phenomenal. This is a country club way to do Argentina and I plan to recommend it to every shotgunner I know. First class operation! I will be back.

Chris Underbrink
Hunting Lodges - Los Ombues Lodge
Argentina Hunting Lodges - Los Ombues
Hunting Lodges Argentina

How to Get Here

Transfers from Buenos Aires can be done overland by car or van. Air transfers are also available from both the domestic and international airports landing at our private landing strip. Ground transfer takes around four and a half hours and flight time is one hour. Los Ombues will arrange your transfers to and from the lodge.


What Documents Will I Need When Traveling To Argentina?

VALID PASSPORT: check the expiration date on your passport. It should not expire within six months of your trip’s departure date. No visa is required for U.S. or European citizens to travel to Argentina or Chile. No Visa is required for American and European Citizens. Make a photocopy of your passport. Keep the original in your packed luggage, and only carry a photocopy of it when you are outside your hotel room, or the lodge. The only time you might need your original passport would be while shopping and paying with a credit card, or changing money.

What Forms Of Payments Are Accepted At Los Ombues?

Payment of the deposit is only via wire transfer. For extras at the lodge, we do not accept credit cards (only cash or personal checks with a 5% fee). Checks from any Texas bank are not accepted.

Is There A Dress Code At The Lodge?

No, there is no dress code at the lodge and the atmosphere is very casual. In the field, we suggest shorts or pants plus long or short sleeved camouflage or dark green shirts. Please do not wear khaki or light-colored shirts or hats in the field.

Do You Have High Speed Internet Connections Or A Phone To Make International Calls From The Lodge?

Yes. We have high speed Internet service available for your use. You can use Skype at the lodge to make calls. There is VOIP free American phone line for our guests use

Is It Customary To Tip At The Lodge?

Tips for the lodge and field staff are not included in our prices. Tipping is discretionary. The house staff tips are distributed evenly among the entire staff. For the bird pick-up boys, we recommend $65 per day per hunter. And another $ 65 for the lodge staff and masterguide, gifts such as camouflage caps, shirts and other hunting related items are also greatly appreciated by the bird pick-up boys.

How Far Is The Drive To The Fields?

The longest drive to get to the dove fields is 20 minutes and sometimes we shoot outside the front door of the lodge. We shoot perdiz at walking distance to the house, and the duck blinds are located 2 minutes driving to the boats and five to 40 minutes to the blinds.

What Guns Are Available For Rental?

We have over 140 guns for rent: Beretta, Benelli, Franchi, Browning, Remington: 12-20-28 and 410 gauges.

What Kind Of Shells Are Available?

We have 12, 20 and 28 gauge shotgun shells. We periodically have 410 shotgun shells. Please contact before your visit if you will require 410 shells so that we may check availability.

Am I Allowed To Bring My Own Shotgun Shells?

No. You are not permitted to bring shotgun shells into Argentina. Argentinean RENAR officials will confiscate your shells. Do not bring shotgun shells with you.

Do We Have To Use Plugs For Our Shotguns?

No. Plugs are not required for dove hunting in Argentina.

Do You Have Any Left-Handed Shotguns Available?

We do not have any available at this time.

How Many Shotguns Can We Bring?

You can bring a maximum of three guns into Argentina for the purpose of hunting.

Is It Hard To Bring Our Firearms To Argentina?

Bringing firearms into Argentina is a bureaucratic process and is only recommended for those who have specially fitted guns. U.S. Customs requires that you register your guns, and other expensive items such as: cameras, binoculars, notebook PC’s, etc. with them before leaving the country. This form is a one-time requirement, and it is valid for as long as you own your gun. The purpose of the form: it proves to U.S. Customs upon return that you bought the gun (or other high dollar items) in the USA, and not in South America. The truth is this: most people do not register items such as binoculars, cameras, and computers before they travel. Only on very rare occasions have we heard of customs officers questioning hunters about such items, however, it can happen.
The U.S. Customs Form 4457 must be completed in person at an international airport, or U.S. customs office. You must physically take the guns (in a case!) to an international airport, or a local customs office. If you are going to do this on the day of departure, we suggest that you arrive two hours earlier than normal (which is four hours prior to departure), because sometimes one has to wait for an available inspector.
Individuals who wish to enter into Argentina with one or more firearms AUTO OR SEMI AUTO SHOT GUNS, with the proposal to perform hunting activity, sporting shooting or other legitimate purpose, will have to submit application at the origin country argentine consulate, holding the equivalent legal possess authorization extended by the local authority, identification document or passport, requiring the applicable “temporary authorization and temporary possess permit” of corresponding material, during their stay in Argentina. Consular permits are no longer needed for people bringing over/under shotguns, side x sides and single shot guns. Barrels must be longer than 24”
European Travelers –You should inform the airline prior to travel date that you will be carrying shotguns and declare them when checking in for your flight. An airline official will escort you to a Customs post for gun registration and then hand carry your guns to the plane. On return, you must retrieve your guns at the airline service desk in the baggage hall. An airline official will accompany you to the red channel, where your guns are registered with Customs as re-entering the country. As soon as you get the Gun Permit from the consulate, all you have to do is send that permit via fax or email to us and we handle the rest of the paperwork for you. Upon arrival in Argentina you need to present your gun at the RENAR office, show the consulate gun permit (only if carrying auto or semi-auto shotguns) to them and pay a fee of U$D 100,00 per gun entry. Los Ombúes will have the necessary paper-work at the Renar Office upon your arrival. The waist time to register your gun upon entering the country could be 45 minutes TO TWO HOURS. Please note that you will be asked to show your gun papers on several occasions at the different airports so allow for extra time to check-in for flights. There is a new regulation at the Buenos Aires airport that requires passengers to check shotguns against the gun registration with the airport police (RENAR) AND AGAIN WHEN YOU GO THROUGH CUSTOMS. Please allow an extra time to go through this process. If you are travelling with guns you do need a Los Ombues representative to check your guns into the country, and if you are not travelling with guns, we also recommend using us to facilitate your transfers in the city. Please note you are allowed to bring small moving parts such as small springs, fire pins and hammers. You need to inform us if you plan on bringing whole trigger mechanisms, action bolt assembly system or carrier latches. You will need to declare these items just as you do a gun and pay the fee.

What Do I Have To Do To Reserve My Dates?

We require a non-refundable deposit in the amount of 50% of the land package cost. Deposits may be transferred to another hunter but may not be applied to a future season or year. We recommend that all guests purchase a trip cancellation insurance to protect your investment.

Are Any Special Vaccines Required?

No. But we suggest to consult with your physician for advise on travel to Argentina.

What Is The Weather Like?

Please see the weather section for seasonal information.

Is Argentina A Safe Country?

Argentina is probably the safest country in South America, and there have been no recorded threats directed against travelers or foreign tourists in Argentina. Robberies and thefts do occur, and we strongly urge you to use common sense when touring. Take the same precautions that you would if you were traveling in any large city where crime is an everyday occurrence. As in any popular tourist destination, tourists are sometimes targets of pickpockets, purse or camera snatching, taxi theft and in some instances, muggings for the purpose of robbery. Your personal safety should not be taken for granted so we urge you to maintain a high level of situational awareness when touring outside your hotel or when soliciting transportation. Los Ombues can provide you transportation and tour guides in Buenos Aires, you only have to let us know. And, please, don’t wear your Rolex around Buenos Aires.

Who Will Pick Us Up At The Airport?

A Los Ombúes representative will meet you at the airport and will assist you with the air/ground transfer to the lodge.

What Is Important Before Leaving Home?

Your paperwork and preparations begin before you leave for your trip. First, check the expiration date on your passport. It should not expire within six months of your trip’s departure date. Second, make a photocopy of your passport. Keep the original in your packed luggage, and only carry a photocopy of it when you are outside your hotel room, or the lodge. The only time you might need your original passport would be while shopping and paying with a credit card, or changing money. Third, if you intend to bring your own firearms, U.S. Customs requires that you register your guns, and other expensive items such as: cameras, binoculars, notebook PC’s, etc. with them before leaving the country. This form is a one-time requirement, and it is valid for as long as you own your gun. The purpose of the form: it proves to U.S. Customs upon return that you bought the gun (or other high dollar items) in the USA, and not in South America. The truth is this: most people do not register items such as binoculars, cameras, and computers before they travel. Only on very rare occasions have we heard of customs officers questioning hunters about such items, however, it can happen. The U.S. Customs Form 4457 must be completed in person at an international airport, or U.S. customs office. You must physically take the guns (in a case!) to an international airport, or a local customs office. If you are going to do this on the day of departure, we suggest that you arrive two hours earlier than normal (which is four hours prior to departure), because sometimes one has to wait for an available inspector. We purchase your hunting license for you prior to your arrival, and there is no requirement for you to sign it. European Travelers –You should inform the airline prior to travel date that you will be carrying shotguns and declare them when checking in for your flight. An airline official will escort you to a Customs post for gun registration and then hand carry your guns to the plane. On return, you must retrieve your guns at the airline service desk in the baggage hall. An airline official will accompany you to the red channel, where your guns are registered with Customs as re-entering the country.

Can I Bring Birds Out Of The Country When I Go Home?

It used to be possible to bring birds back home. However, the new airline regulations are making it impossible to check birds as luggage. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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